SA8000-2008 Qualification certificate Social Accountability 8000 International standard
- 分类:专利证书
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- 发布时间:2019-08-05 10:42
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【概要描述】It is awarded the title of Advanced innovative enterprise of Guangdong and its R&D center becomes Municipal R& D center. So far Henglong has successfully applied for more than 100 patents home and abr
SA8000-2008 Qualification certificate Social Accountability 8000 International standard
【概要描述】It is awarded the title of Advanced innovative enterprise of Guangdong and its R&D center becomes Municipal R& D center. So far Henglong has successfully applied for more than 100 patents home and abr
- 分类:专利证书
- 作者:
- 来源:
- 发布时间:2019-08-05 10:42
- 访问量:
It is awarded the title of Advanced innovative enterprise of Guangdong and its R&D center becomes Municipal R& D center. So far Henglong has successfully applied for more than 100 patents home and abroad.
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